Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Vet. Feeding the Poor Kitten

The Kitty was found alone behind the dispensary of Vet Hospital, Sindh Agriculture University, T.jam. Dr. Rauf (A Vet. Student) discovered it home and Mother less. Oh its sad. This adorable kitten don't have a Mum :'( Its much dangerous here for this cute Kitty.

The Place was really not safe for an about 2-3 days old kitten, any stray dog may get there, and who'll take care of it? Who'll feed it here? So, he stayed there several hours, waiting for its Mum to come there... 1 hour... 2... 3.... But.... :( and now this was evening.

So, the decision was made to bring it to his hostel. Rauf took the Kitty to his room, but the kitten was too poor, It was unable to drink milk from the Bowl. So then we pour milk drop by drop with the help of cotton in the Kitten's mouth. But I didn't worked long. Then we tried a Feeder for the kitten, but again :(, Suddenly an idea stuck to Rauf's mind.

He brought a syringe and a Drip Tube, and attached the tube with the syringe. This was a Hand Made, new invented feeder for the Kitten. And it worked perfectly, as it fitted best in the tiny mouth of the poor baby cat.

In the starting we faced some difficulties, but after 3-4 days, the kitten was well trained to this feeder. It's strange, yeah! It's really strange, it's lovely, too beautiful, that now when He puts the feeder in the kittens mouth, it starts sucking in a very beautiful style, We leave the Plunger, and it automatically goes inside. Kitten sucks milk, and it looks too beautiful. Really too good, look here, and see how lovely it looks, when Kitty Sucks and Plunger itself goes inside the Syringe. Concentrate:

Thanks, waiting for your Comments Please.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The South American Killing Machines

The GIANT Tarantulas are the Largest of All Spiders in the World, Even having the Claws up-to an Inch Long. They are Hairy, and well adopted to their Habitat... The Rain Forests of South America. They don't have a specific prey, they are just KILLING MACHINES, and not only eat Insects like Flies, but they can kill up-to the level of Rodents, Like Rats and Mice. They may be as BIG as the size of Dinner Plate. (It's like a BIG MEAL for those interested in Arthropod Eating like Crabs and Prawns).

But its Good that, they had not been reported to do any harm to the Humans Yet, even the Goliath Bird Eating Spiders don't cause any harm to the Humans. But they are quite active in killing other creatures.

Like many other Spiders, Tarantulas are also weak in vision, but they can effectively feel the presence of a pray by the sensation of vibration on the very Hairy body. And it may be a Fun to have time with these GIANT Tarantulas.

With thanks to Nat-Geo Channel, watch this video down:


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Handling and Shaving a Swiss Mouse

Hi Readers,

As the veterinarians are working for the well being of animals. But it's also necessary to do some experiments on Laboratory animals. The animals which come under the heading of Lab. Animals include Swiss Mice, Rats, Rabbits, Poultry and Monkeys etc.

Each specie of animal needs some special care and management in the laboratory environment. Scientists handle and practice on them. But a veterinarian may manage his own lab, he can do experiments and can easily analyze different medicines.*

For the purpose he may house Swiss Mice, as the are frequent breeders, need less management, can easily live on common grains and wheat floor. For their proper food and management a new post would be published. But today I got a video, with basic information to handle these Mice.

The basic rules are:
- Catch them from tail base.
-Pull them slightly towards yourself.
(Due to this, it will try to move in opposite direction)
- Now put your hand between its shoulders.
- Lift the skin, capture with a tight grip.
- Hold its tail under the small finger of your hand.
- Raise the animal.

Now the animal is under your full control. No need to hesitate, and if it tries to bite you, you may suddenly leave it. Or You may through it on the table. A height of 1.5-2 feet can't kill them. But this doesn't mean that you can play a Catch and Through game with them. LOL :*)

* Don't try to violate the animal rights. Experiments can only be carried out upto a limited level.

Ok now watch the video and learn to capture and control a Lab. Animal.

Ok, Now for different protocols, mostly a shaved skin is needed, for the purpose we can use an electric shaving machine. With a sharp and smooth blade. The process is as follows:

Important: Take care about the rights of animals. Animals are also living creatures, they also feel pain, and I believe; they also have emotions. Learn on them, but don't try to abuse their services.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ticks, A Big Danger for Live-Stock

Hi Readers!

Few days ago I was sitting by, my teacher Dr. A. G. Arijo (Ph.D). He is the Chairman; Dept. of Veterinary Parasitology, TandoJam, Pakistan. Really a hard worker and researcher. We discussed on a tour to the Province Balochistan, Pakistan. He told me some amazing things, which I want to share to you.

- Tick is a common arthropod vector for a variety of pathogens i.e.: rickettsia, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
- They are common problem for all type of live-stock and wild animals.
- Frequently infect the Dogs, Goat, Sheep, Cattle, Buffaloe, Camel, Deer, Blue Wildbeest and many many other animals.
- Secondary to primary infections, irritation, restlessness; they are also responsible for many other problems.

- Bacterial Diseases Caused due to Ticks are:

- Viral Diseases Caused due to Ticks are:

- Protozoal Infections Transmitted by Ticks are:

- And Above all ticks are poisonous as well and they are resposible for spreading a specific type of poison which is responsible for Tick Paralysis.

You can see ticks at the soft tissues of the animals, specially those where the head or legs cant reach. Find them under the tails, at the head and neck region specially on the ears. Be aware of the threat that this tiny arthropod can cause to live-stock as well as to the human beings. In case of animals Ivermectin through Subcut. route is a treatment to this problem, which mostly works efficiently.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cheap Collars for Your Pet

Hey There! Today I am going to tell you a very very cheap method to make collars for your Pets. These Collars are used for the case, if your pet got an injury, or he has faced a surgery, or if he licks his wounds.

In these cases there may be the risk that your per may break the Stitches, or remove the bandage or any other complexity may be produced due to licking. Your pet may even swallow the Drug applied on his body.

To prevent him from doing so with the help of a collar.

Yes! You can make a pet collar at home, You simply need following few things:
1. An Old X-Ray Film
2. A Ribbon
3. Scissors

With the help of these things you can make a collar.

Let's Start:
First of all take the old X-Ray Film, Simply guess the neck length of your pet (It may be 2"-4").
Cut the X-Ray accordig to your need, Fold from the sides (Only to avoid sharp edges).
Make small pin holes in it's sides.
Pass the ribbon from these holes, at both sides.

See in the picture, that how simply the Collar is applied to Dog.

Now Your Collar is ready, Put it over the neck of your pet. Tight it with the help of ribbon. Now your pet is unable to turn its head back and lick it's injured parts.

It's free and simple, Try it and then comment here. Your suggestions are welcomed.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Which Food is Good for Your Cat…?

Hi There! Thinking you and your pet will be fine. Today I'm going to tell you about the Food, which suits best for specific groups of cats. I'll explain you according to categories like; Kittens' Food, Adult Cats' Food, Senior Cats' Food and may also for ill pets. So, Keep studying. And If you are a real PET LOVER than you can follow this blog. As I regularly appear here.

Your "DUSTY"

(The Cat)

* Cats' Food:

We like fish. But to tell you frankly, the nutrient from fish-only dish or even from the home made food cooked by our beloved owner is actually not enough for our kinds.

Today readymade-cat food seems to be the best choice for us because it has been scientifically formulated to provide 100% completed and balanced nutrition for cats of all breeds. We do love its delicious either and both of crispy dry and wet foods are all yummy for us.

The crispy dry food helps keeping teeth and gums strong and healthy but consists less of water compared to the wet one. So, if we're fed with the dry cat food, we have to drink a lot of water. The wet cat food is tenderer and juicier but can bring tartar to our teeth earlier. The amount fed according to the age is also important since it directly affects our health.

* Kittens' Food:

The kittens should be fed with the kitten food because they need more protein and energy. They may not like it first, same as me when I was a little cat, the trick is to start with a little amount at the time they are starting to wean (5 weeks old). You can make the dry cat food easier to chew for the kittens by mixing it with milk or water. But after they have weaned, mixing with milk should be avoided because milk can't be well digested and can cause disordered stomach. If you have lots of kittens with you, be sure that the bowl is big enough for them to eat together. At the beginning, you should feed them around 4-6 times a day then reduce to 2 times a day once they're 6 months old, then switch to the adult food at the age of 1 year.

* Adult Cats' Food:

Adult cats, like me, need less protein and energy than kitten. So, if you keep feeding us with kitten food we will receive over nutrient than we actually need and that will affect our health. In case of illness or pregnancy (either intentionally or unintentionally), kitten food can be used because we need more nutrient and energy than usual. Anyway, if you notice any health problem, it would be better for us if you ask for medical advice from the veterinarian in order to adjust the food that suit the illness.

* Senior Cats' Food:

Unlike human, 7 years for us is considered old. The need for nutrient and energy is less than adult cats. Furthermore, the older we are, the weaker cats we become. So the menu should be adjusted to fit our health.

After having sterilization, we're lazy to do anything. So, if we still eat in the same amount, we will get fat easily. The owner should feed us only 75% of the usual amount and try to persuade us to do the exercise. If it's too late and your once lovely cat has become a big already, you should feed him or her with obesity cat food or consult the veterinarian to arrange the diet program.

Hope; the information above will help you much, and you'll follow this as a guide for your Cats' Food.

Yours' "Dusty"

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ecto-Parasites on Your Lovely Pet . . . ?

AA… Ahh…! I love Dr. Keyani too much. As, he keeps a very good care of me. And I think, you also keep a lovely eye on your own lovely Kittens and Cats. I am absolutely fine and perfect these days, as I take bath regularly, I eat well, and most important that I don't have any of Ecto-Parasite on me. But I think your pet may have some of them. Ecto-Parasites are one of the most dangerous threats to us. They bring and spread diseases. As well as they can also transfer diseases between you and your pet (Zoonosis*). I am going to include some common parasites in today's discussion. Hope you'll pick my points to take care of your pets.

Whenever you've found the fleas on us, that means there are many stages of them such as eggs and larva in your house. To get rid of them, first you have to eliminate all stages of fleas around your house, then do it inside the house and eradicate ones that parasitise on us with the effective chemical solution suggested by the veterinarian, but it on your own can harm all of us and you.

This is one of our villains that can make us weaker. The way to get rid of is quite similar to one of the fleas, the slightly difference is the cycle of life. And the use of the chemical should be under the supervision of the veterinarian.

There are many kinds of Feline mites. They cause different symptoms according to the place they are. For examples, if they are in our ears, the result is the inflammation. If they are the kind that affects our skin, the result is the leprosy, either dry or wet (Yuck!). The cure is similar but it takes different length of time, especially if wee are weak, we can suffer from mite easily and pain will be severe. You'd better take us to see the veterinarian once you notice the symptom.

The mosquito is a carrier of Feline Dirofiliasis disease. It cause parasitic worm in our heart which shorten our life. If you can't protect us from the mosquito or realize that we are in the risk, please ask for the advice from the veterinarian.