Thursday, December 31, 2009

Handling and Shaving a Swiss Mouse

Hi Readers,

As the veterinarians are working for the well being of animals. But it's also necessary to do some experiments on Laboratory animals. The animals which come under the heading of Lab. Animals include Swiss Mice, Rats, Rabbits, Poultry and Monkeys etc.

Each specie of animal needs some special care and management in the laboratory environment. Scientists handle and practice on them. But a veterinarian may manage his own lab, he can do experiments and can easily analyze different medicines.*

For the purpose he may house Swiss Mice, as the are frequent breeders, need less management, can easily live on common grains and wheat floor. For their proper food and management a new post would be published. But today I got a video, with basic information to handle these Mice.

The basic rules are:
- Catch them from tail base.
-Pull them slightly towards yourself.
(Due to this, it will try to move in opposite direction)
- Now put your hand between its shoulders.
- Lift the skin, capture with a tight grip.
- Hold its tail under the small finger of your hand.
- Raise the animal.

Now the animal is under your full control. No need to hesitate, and if it tries to bite you, you may suddenly leave it. Or You may through it on the table. A height of 1.5-2 feet can't kill them. But this doesn't mean that you can play a Catch and Through game with them. LOL :*)

* Don't try to violate the animal rights. Experiments can only be carried out upto a limited level.

Ok now watch the video and learn to capture and control a Lab. Animal.

Ok, Now for different protocols, mostly a shaved skin is needed, for the purpose we can use an electric shaving machine. With a sharp and smooth blade. The process is as follows:

Important: Take care about the rights of animals. Animals are also living creatures, they also feel pain, and I believe; they also have emotions. Learn on them, but don't try to abuse their services.