Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The South American Killing Machines

The GIANT Tarantulas are the Largest of All Spiders in the World, Even having the Claws up-to an Inch Long. They are Hairy, and well adopted to their Habitat... The Rain Forests of South America. They don't have a specific prey, they are just KILLING MACHINES, and not only eat Insects like Flies, but they can kill up-to the level of Rodents, Like Rats and Mice. They may be as BIG as the size of Dinner Plate. (It's like a BIG MEAL for those interested in Arthropod Eating like Crabs and Prawns).

But its Good that, they had not been reported to do any harm to the Humans Yet, even the Goliath Bird Eating Spiders don't cause any harm to the Humans. But they are quite active in killing other creatures.

Like many other Spiders, Tarantulas are also weak in vision, but they can effectively feel the presence of a pray by the sensation of vibration on the very Hairy body. And it may be a Fun to have time with these GIANT Tarantulas.

With thanks to Nat-Geo Channel, watch this video down:


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