Sunday, March 29, 2009

Conventional Pets / Check out Your Pet...

Some Intro. about Conventional Pets...


The domestic dog has been one of widely kept working and companion animal in human history, as well as food source in some cultures. There are estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world. Dogs are very social animals, but their personality and behavior varies with breeds.Dogs are employed in various roles across the globe providing invaluable assets in areas such as search and rescue; law enforcement; guards for livestock, people or property; herding; guiding the blind; acting as pair of ears for deaf; assisted with hunting, and great many other roles which they may be trained to assume.

House Cat:

Cats are also been kept as a companion animal. Cat gathers much more attention than a dog; as you can find a cat very commonly in the beds and on the sofas, in the bedrooms, guest rooms and common rooms. It has been studied that keeping a cat prevents undesirable rats to come in the homes as that may destroy stocks of books, clothes, silk, food and grains etc. As well as transferring many infectious and epidemic diseases in the areas. It also has an ability to hunt vermin, snakes and scorpions.People are also interested in the cats because it use a variety of vocalizations and body language for communication, including meowing, purring, hissing, growling, squeaking, chirping, clicking and grunting.

Gold Fish: (Carassus auratus)

Ornamental fish of the carp family, originally domesticated by the Chinese. More than 120 breeds are recognized, as well as the common goldfish. They vary in color and markings, and in conformation of the fin, tail and head. Their lifespan can range from 2 years to 25 years. Size may vary from 5cm to 30cm or more.


A bird specie, related to the group of canaries and parrots. It is a cage bird and may be found in aviaries.

Guinea pig:

Also known as a “Cavy”, the guinea-pig is technically a rodent, Cavia porcella, originating from South America; it is better known as children’s pet, a laboratory animal, and as an animal bred for show purposes.

Siamese fish:

This is very popular hobby mainly concentrates on tropical fish. Many of these are imported. The methods used for their capture may cause injury. The result of this and subsequent mishandling may not be apparent until the fish are in the possession of hobbyist. Deaths even then can still be due to the method of capturing.

Zebra Fish:

It is also a famous aquarium fish, usually sold by the name of zebra danio. More details are included under the heading of Siamese fish.

Syrian Hamsters:

Small brown rodents popular as domestic pets: the dwarf russian and the golden hamsters. The former also known as the striped, hairy-footed hamsters, comes from Siberia, Central Asia and Northern China.


These attractive creatures are extremely popular as pets. They need crefull and expert handling; a bite to the finger can penetrate to the bone. Their females are called “jills” while males are “hobs”. The jills not used for breeding are spayed.


A small burrowing rodent, originating in deserts, popular as pets. They live for 3-5 yrs; adults weigh 50-90g, the females being larger than males. Sexual maturity occurs at 10 weeks. The gestation period is 24-26 days and the young are weaned at 21-24 days. Rectal temperature is 37.4-39oC. They are naturally healthy animals; markedly free from infectious diseases.

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