Saturday, March 28, 2009



A mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and other animals that is influenced by behaviors that are essential to the health and well being of both; animals and humans.This includes, but is not limited to, emotional, psychological, and physical interactions of people, other animals and the environment. The veterinarian’s role in the human-animal bond is to maximize the potentials of this relationship between people and other animals.The Bond Between human and animals is an immeasurable thing, but only in those cases where a strong love is present between them. If its there we can observe the companions in every aspect of their life; from bed to their class rooms, from breakfast to dinner, and from parties to loneliness. . . .

Different Types of Human-Animal Bond:

Just Only as a Property:

Some people believe that owning a pet is like owning a car. They consider the pet property and typically you only see this animal when it is ill, and has been ill for a period of time. The owner has finally decided that they should bring the animal in, but they do not want to pay a lot of money to treat it. They feel like the pet is a nuisance and unworthy of them spending any amount of money on it. After all, they can just get a new one.

Keeping as a Commitment:

Other People understand that having a pet is a commitment. They come in regularly for vaccinations and they do bring in the animal if it appears ill. These owners are willing to pay for blood tests to try to diagnose the animals’ medical problem, but they may not be willing to take it to a specialist if recommended.

A Deep Friendship:

Some People has a so deep relation to their companion animal; so that the animals have become family members. In some cases, these pets even get Christmas presents from Santa and have their own Christmas stockings so that they do not feel left out.

A Family Member:

These owners do not believe that their pet is an animal at all. It is a mutated human who can comprehend everything, and the owner can understand what the animal says. These animals sleep with the owner, are in family portraits, and if they have a slight cough, the owner is racing in like it is a full-fledged emergency. They are willing to do whatever it takes to find out what is wrong with their “precious baby” and to treat it.

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