Saturday, June 13, 2009

Which Food is Good for Your Cat…?

Hi There! Thinking you and your pet will be fine. Today I'm going to tell you about the Food, which suits best for specific groups of cats. I'll explain you according to categories like; Kittens' Food, Adult Cats' Food, Senior Cats' Food and may also for ill pets. So, Keep studying. And If you are a real PET LOVER than you can follow this blog. As I regularly appear here.

Your "DUSTY"

(The Cat)

* Cats' Food:

We like fish. But to tell you frankly, the nutrient from fish-only dish or even from the home made food cooked by our beloved owner is actually not enough for our kinds.

Today readymade-cat food seems to be the best choice for us because it has been scientifically formulated to provide 100% completed and balanced nutrition for cats of all breeds. We do love its delicious either and both of crispy dry and wet foods are all yummy for us.

The crispy dry food helps keeping teeth and gums strong and healthy but consists less of water compared to the wet one. So, if we're fed with the dry cat food, we have to drink a lot of water. The wet cat food is tenderer and juicier but can bring tartar to our teeth earlier. The amount fed according to the age is also important since it directly affects our health.

* Kittens' Food:

The kittens should be fed with the kitten food because they need more protein and energy. They may not like it first, same as me when I was a little cat, the trick is to start with a little amount at the time they are starting to wean (5 weeks old). You can make the dry cat food easier to chew for the kittens by mixing it with milk or water. But after they have weaned, mixing with milk should be avoided because milk can't be well digested and can cause disordered stomach. If you have lots of kittens with you, be sure that the bowl is big enough for them to eat together. At the beginning, you should feed them around 4-6 times a day then reduce to 2 times a day once they're 6 months old, then switch to the adult food at the age of 1 year.

* Adult Cats' Food:

Adult cats, like me, need less protein and energy than kitten. So, if you keep feeding us with kitten food we will receive over nutrient than we actually need and that will affect our health. In case of illness or pregnancy (either intentionally or unintentionally), kitten food can be used because we need more nutrient and energy than usual. Anyway, if you notice any health problem, it would be better for us if you ask for medical advice from the veterinarian in order to adjust the food that suit the illness.

* Senior Cats' Food:

Unlike human, 7 years for us is considered old. The need for nutrient and energy is less than adult cats. Furthermore, the older we are, the weaker cats we become. So the menu should be adjusted to fit our health.

After having sterilization, we're lazy to do anything. So, if we still eat in the same amount, we will get fat easily. The owner should feed us only 75% of the usual amount and try to persuade us to do the exercise. If it's too late and your once lovely cat has become a big already, you should feed him or her with obesity cat food or consult the veterinarian to arrange the diet program.

Hope; the information above will help you much, and you'll follow this as a guide for your Cats' Food.

Yours' "Dusty"

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